Agricultural Kits Distribution in 2020 agricultural season in Al-Qafr district of Ibb and Mawza district of Taiz

Sunday, 01 November, 2020

The Yemen Women Union (YWU) has implemented an agricultural kits/seeds package distribution activity which targeted 2000 farming families during the current 2020 agricultural season in Al-Qafr district of Ibb and Mawza district of Taiz. In Al-Qafr, 1,400 bags of agricultural tools and seeds were distributed, each bag contains (15 kilograms of sorghum seeds - a Pick axe - a hoe - 2 Sickles) for 1,400 families. The distribution covered the sub-districts of; (Al-Nakhlah - Al-Karaba - Bani Sabaa - Bani Saif Al-Safel - Madhajin - Hamyar - Bani Sawi - Bani Omar Al-Safel)
In addition, 600 bags of agricultural tools and seeds were distributed in Mawza districts in which each bag contains (15 kg of Bini sorghum seeds - 200 grams of green pepper seeds - 1 kilogram of red onion seeds - 2 5-liter irrigation jugs - a 1000 liter plastic water tank - a Pick axe – a trowel – a rake) for 600 families in the sub-districts of; (Mawza District Center - Al-Ahmoul).
This activity comes within its project: “Providing Cash and Agricultural support to highly vulnerable agricultural dependent and acutely food insecure families in Mawza district of Taiz governorate and Al-Qafr district of Ibb governorate, funded by the Yemen Humanitarian Fund (YHF). It is worth mentioning that precautionary measures against covid19 have been taken in full consideration during all distribution process. # Corona virus, # Covid_19
